Contact Us
The Lydian Orchestra
Provides experience in orchestral playing for young people in West Kent. The Lydian training orchestra offers weekend courses for younger players, giving them the opportunity to make music and new friends in a welcoming and enthusiastic environment. Visit for more details.
The Lydian Training Orchestra
Meets three times a year for an exciting and fun weekend, bringing together young instrumentalists to make music and new friends in a welcoming and enthusiastic environment.
The LTO is suitable for students of around grade 3-6 standard and is designed to develop general musicianship and enhance ensemble performance skills. There is no audition process and we accept all applications for any orchestral instruments - if you have any questions please contact us at
West Kent Youth Orchestra
Grades 5-8, strings and wind players. Meets Fridays 4.30-6.00pm in term time at the Weald of Kent School
click here for link to Kent Music WKYO